© K.L. Hall and www.authorklhall.com, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to K.L. Hall and www.authorklhall.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

As a first-time mom-to-be, it’s needless to say that I’m overwhelmed with questions that need answers EVERY DAY. What car seat is the best? What if this pandemic lasts longer than everyone is saying it will? And the overarching question, what am I going to do when this baby arrives?
Like everyone else, I love FREE things, or at least things that are as close to free as possible. Therefore, I put together a list of free or next to free things that I’ve gotten thus far during my pregnancy because why spend the extra money when you don’t have to? (Oh, and I’m not talking about flimsy, just got it although I’m never going to use it things either, I’m talking good stuff!)

Now, before I jump into the list, let me say this: I know there are probably a TON of other websites that offer free things, but I’m only speaking on things I signed up for/registered/purchased/received. I know that I for sure signed up for Enfamil and Similac months ago and still haven’t received anything “free” in the mail. Same goes for the Honest Company. I do, however, have the apps for both Huggies and Pampers Rewards.

Target baby registry welcome bag
Comes with:
· Coupons
· Trial product samples (Johnson & Johnson, Dove, etc.)
· Pacifier
· Pampers changing mat
· Honest Company diaper sample & 10 wipes
· Water Wipes
· Pampers Sensitive wipes
· Huggies Special Delivery diaper samples
· Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Bottle
Amazon baby registry welcome box
Comes with:
· Philips Avent Anti-Colic Bottle
· Water Wipes
· A gender neutral baby onesie
· Dreft laundry sample
· Seventh Generation diaper samples
· Burp cloth
Cuties Diaper Samples (just sign up for their emails)
Comes with:
· 5 size 1 diapers
Electric breast pump + 150 milk bags every 90 days (via insurance)
NEXT TO FREE: (a.k.a. just pay shipping)
Noobie Box ($6.95 shipping)
Comes with:
· Water Wipes
· Chicco pacifier
· Prevail daily pads
· Noobie zipper bag (for makeup, odds and ends, whatever)
· Breast milk storage bags and disposable nursing pads (2 each)
· Lactation cookie sample + other lactation samples
· Cuties diaper samples
· Trial product samples (Palmers, etc.)
Alright, pause. The next five bulleted things are from five different websites, BUT they are all run under one parent company, Mother’s Lounge. Full disclosure, I’ve read some things about this company online where people were unhappy with receiving unsolicited gift cards in the mail, etc. That wasn’t and hasn’t been the case for me. I found these websites on another blog during a Google hunt for free baby things, typed in the discount codes and received my items in the mail ALONG WITH numerous gift cards to use on their other online websites (ranging from $30-70 in value each). There’s no magic here. This is how I was able to get a lot of these items/products for free and just pay shipping. You can check out where I found my codes here.
· Nursing Pillow (valued at $39.95) for $14.95 shipping
· 100% Cotton Washable Breast Pads (valued at $7.00/pack) 5 sets of 4 for $14.95 shipping
· Custom Pacifiers (valued at $9.95/piece) 5 for $14.95 shipping (yes, they are BPA free and customizable)
· Infant Car Seat Canopy Cover/Nursing Cover (valued at $49.95) for $14.95 shipping
· Baby Leggings (valued at $10/pair) 5 pair for $14.95 shipping
MOM TIP: The clearance sections (either online or in stores like Target, Walmart, Ross, etc.) are your friend. I got baby pants ranging from 3 months all the way to 18 months for $1 a piece at Walmart, sis! Don’t sleep on the clearance sections! I repeat, DON’T SLEEP ON THE CLEARANCE SECTIONS!
If more free (or next to free) things come my way, I’ll be sure to update this post!