© K.L. Hall and www.authorklhall.com, 2023. Unauthorized use and duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided full and clear credit is given to K.L. Hall and www.authorklhall.com with appropriate and specific directions to the original content.

If you meet Shakim Dixon and ask him what’s most important to him—assuming he’s actually in a talking mood—you’ll likely hear him say loyalty. On a recent Saturday, I caught up with the rowdy ruffneck at an undisclosed location in Sin City, where he provided me an intimate glimpse into his life.
Donned in a crisp, white T-shirt, black joggers, and a single gold chain resting against his chest, the handsome six-foot-two bad boy with a sweet smile saunters into the room, exuding the confidence of a God. He’s a unique blend of hood, suspense, and panache. It's a deadly combination. Finally, he plops down on the couch while ambushing me with a twinkling smile. It's something I get the feeling he doesn’t do too often.
“I was born bad, so I’m fine with being the villain,” he says with a dark grin.
As intimidating as his deep voice and demeanor are, in person, Dixon is calm and collected. Yet, I sense there are a lot of layers to peel back. Shakim starts by explaining his humble beginnings, eyes in a daze as memories take him back. Growing up, he was the quintessential troublemaker, constantly raising his parents’ blood pressure. After leaving his childhood home and family behind at nineteen, he was inducted into The Underground, an association of assassins under the guise of a motorcycle club.
“I don’t regret it. It taught me discipline and respect for the hustle. I’ll never stop chasing the money,” he states firmly.
Dixon’s passion for murder goes beyond unresolved childhood trauma, anger issues, and being a lover of gory movies on TV. He loves it and has appreciated the release for years.
When asked why he severed ties with The Underground eight years ago, rage fills his eyes.
“I was targeted,” he answers before breezing his hand over his goatee.
His iPhone vibrates, lying face down on the table. He doesn’t budge. He just keeps talking. Dixon said he felt that there were people who envied him and had issues with him ranking up so quickly. Without mentioning any names, he notes one person tried to hurt his integrity, and he felt like he was being treated like an outsider.
“The more you treat people like dogs, the more animalistic they become.”
As we continue to chat, it becomes clear he’s guarded regarding matters of the heart and his feelings. He’s most comfortable keeping things on the surface level but insists his return to Vegas isn’t solely based on retribution, leading me to believe there’s a softer side to him.
When I ask about his outlook on love, he diverts his attention to the designer watch adorning his wrist and mutters a few inaudible words under his breath that end in distraction and romance.
I probe deeper, trying to get the tea on if there’s a special woman in his life. He doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he wields that killer smile at me.
“No comment.”
BONUS CONTENT: Seven Rapid Fire Questions with Shakim Dixon

Q: Who was your celebrity crush growing up?
A: Mya
Q: What’s your workout regimen?
A: Cardio, abs, back, whole body.
Q: What’s the fastest speed you’ve ever driven on your motorcycle?
A: 177 MPH
Q: What’s your favorite movie?
A: Bad Boys
Q: Where’s a location you’d love to go to that you’ve never been?
A: Tokyo, Japan. I’m a secret anime head.
Q: What’s your number one dating rule?
A: Easy. Not to date.
Q: Between 1-10, 10 being the highest, what is your freak number?
A: Eleven.